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How leisure in London is changing as drinking is at an all time low

February 15, 2020

While London has always been a busy city with late-night offerings available, the nightlife has changed in London over the past five years. Alcohol consumption across the city has decreased over the past decade with drinking at an all time low. A fifth of the UK population say they are non-drinkers. So where are they going? With Millennials and Gen Z in their prime spending years, as well as many of them opting for alcohol-free nights out, experiences have seen a boom over the past five years.

The Experience Economy refers to the increased spend on activities globally as consumers opt more often for experiences that create a memory. The memory and customer service received from their event becomes something tangible, replacing physical purchases. This and with dry-drinking at an all time high, events in London have definitely seen a boom. However, an overstatured experience market has lead to consumers searching out more unique and interesting events.

This combined with an Instagram-lead lifestyle has made Ultimate Recreation and our brands more popular than ever. Whether it's our pop-up experiences, bespoke event planning services, or long-term running events, we find ourselves busier than ever and in a perfect position to expand and offer Londoners something truly unique.