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Trapped Escape Rooms is adding to their portfolio of experiences with 2 new VR games coming in 2020

February 7, 2020

The popularity of escape rooms have boomed over the past five years. Within the Ultimate Recreation umbrella, we created and currently operate Trapped Escape Rooms. Our escape rooms opened in London in 2014. At the time, we were one of the first escape room experiences to open in the UK. As of 2020, there are over 1,000 escape room companies across the country - and this is just companies! The number of different rooms and experiences available is in the thousands.

With a booming popularity and an oversaturation in the market growing, escape rooms are updating to suit customer needs. Studying the overseas market in the U.S., VR escape rooms are growing in popularity. In London, however, there are just 3 companies offering VR escape rooms.

With the escape room boom, measuring oversea markets helps to predict what London consumers are interested in. In 2020, Trapped Escape Rooms is diversifying our portfolio to remain delivering something new and exciting to the London experiences scene. Trapped in Virtual Reality is due to launch in February 2020, joining with Trapped's three existing rooms; Trapped in a Room with a Zombie, Trapped Undercover and Trapped in a Prison Van.